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From Japan to the World
Discover Kansai University Research

KSAC (Kansai Startup Academia Coalition) is a platform pursuing the creation of a world-class startup ecosystem by expanding the base of entrepreneurs in the Kansai region of Japan. The Coalition enjoys participation from more than 80 institutions, including universities and local governments, as well as members from the industrial and financial sectors.

KSAC has recently been engaged in full-scale international initiatives through the opening of a New York office, exhibitions in Singapore and the United States, and startup incubation programs. At KSAC DEMO DAY, we will be introducing KSAC to the world through panel discussions featuring:

・Key figures from Kansai's university research scene
・Researchers pursuing global expansion
・Participants of the “Founders Launchpad Program” by Inovexus, a European accelerator collaborating with Kyoto University

This event represents a valuable opportunity for participants to encounter undiscovered, cutting-edge university research endeavors from the Kansai region.


When & Where
March 26, 2025 (Wed) 14:00–18:00 (Networking from 17:10 onwards) / JST
Individuals interested in new university research initiatives or company management, and those belonging to VCs/CVCs, universities, startups, local governments, and so on.
100 participants *Remote participation is unlimited
Participation fee
Free of charge
Application deadline
March 25, 2025 (Tue) *First-come-first-served basis

Knowledge Theater, Grand Front Osaka Knowledge Capital Tower C 4F
6-38 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011, Japan
*Hybrid online/offline event

6-38 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011, Japan

  • 7 minute walk from JR Osaka Station
  • 8 minute walk from Osaka Metro Umeda station
  • 7 minute walk from Hankyu Osaka Umeda station
Opening Remarks
1. Panel Discussion
“Unique Features of Kansai Research Initiatives”
2. Pitches From Researchers Pursuing Global Expansion
3. Pitches From Participants in the Founders Launchpad Program
Closing Remarks
Networking Time
Event Ends
* Schedule details and times subject to change
  • 1. Panel Discussion
    Unique Features of Kansai Research Initiatives

    This discussion will explore the strengths and potential of initiatives being pursued by university researchers in Kansai, as well as issues in need of addressing on the road to overseas expansion.

Honoka KISO
Honoka KISO (Panelist) President and CEO, Toregem BioPharma Co., Ltd.

Originally from Kyoto, Japan, Kiso graduated from Osaka Dental University in 2006 and obtained her dental license. In 2008, Kiso entered the doctoral program at Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine and since then have been involved in tooth regeneration research under Dr. Katsu Takahashi (former associate professor at Kyoto University). In 2014, Kiso received an M.D. from the Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine and became a member of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Kyoto University Hospital. In 2016, Kiso became a Research Fellow and Clinical Practitioner at Kyoto University Hospital. In 2018, Kiso applied with Takahashi for the Kyoto University Venture Support Program (Incubation Program) and was accepted, in order to deliver the tooth regeneration antibody that Takahashi found to patients as soon as possible. In May 2020, she co-founded and became CEO of Toregem Biopharma with Dr. Takahashi and Dr. Takatani. The company derives its name from the phrase “tooth regeneration medicine.”

Shunichi TAKAHASHI (Panelist) President and Chief Operating Officer, Life Science Innovation Network Japan
Fellow, Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications (IAC) , Kyoto University

In 1993, Takahashi joined a pharmaceutical company as a researcher, and after a series of mergers became affiliated with Bayer Yakuhin, Ltd., where he was primarily in charge of new drug discovery and verification projects. During this time, he was also involved in regenerative medicine and iPS cell research as a senior researcher at the Kobe Research Center. Next, Takahashi served as the manager for project management and cardiovascular disease initiatives in Bayer’s development division, before being promoted to head the company’s medical affairs and primary care department. In 2014, he became the head of Bayer’s Open Innovation Center Japan. In addition to establishing the center, Takahashi led the first-ever comprehensive partnership between a foreign pharmaceutical company and Kyoto University. In 2018, he established the company's third startup incubator, CoLaborator Kobe. As a member of the Bayer Open Innovation Global Leadership Team, he has helped drive open innovation in Japan. Takahashi has been in his current position since July 2022. He holds a doctorate in science.

Shinsuke TSUKAHARA (Panelist) Managing Director, Head of Startup Acceleration Strategy Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc.

In 1995, Tsukahara joined The Sanwa Bank, Limited (now MUFG Bank, Ltd.). After gaining experience in the bank’s planning and large-scale corporate sales departments, he was appointed as General Manager for the Azabu branch in 2019 and Shibuya branch in 2021. During his five-year tenure as General Manager, Tsukahara supported the business growth of numerous startups, particularly SaaS-related ventures, and acquired many new business and loan transactions with startups. In April 2024, MUFG established the Startup Acceleration Strategy Division in order to further focus on supporting startups. Tsukahara was appointed as the first head of this division.

Nobuhiro YAGI
Nobuhiro YAGI (Moderator) Executive Officer and Head of Investment Department I, Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd.

A venture capitalist who specializes in academia-based deep tech startups, Dr,Yagi promotes the founding of new companies based on the results of basic research, regardless of the business sector. His portfolio highlights include Kyoto Fusioneering, a Japanese fusion startup, and LegalOn Technologies, a leading legal tech company. He is the founder of ECC-iCAP, an entrepreneur club at Kyoto University that creates startups originating from academia. Prior to joining Kyoto iCAP, Dr.Yagi gained extensive research experience working in industry, government, and academia research institutes both in Japan and abroad. In his previous position at a major Japanese pharmaceutical company, he led the launch of new business areas.Dr,Yagi continues to pursue further education and research in the fields of chemistry and medicine.

  • 2. Pitches
    Pitches From Researchers Pursuing Global Expansion

    This session will feature pitches by researchers who participated in the overseas program implemented by KSAC overseas program in 2024.


* Presentation order

Name Position Pitch Title
Kanta ONO

Kanta ONO

Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University. (Ph.D. (Science)) World-leading manufacturing using AI and robot-driven autonomous experiment systems


Visiting Researcher, Department of Global and Innovative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University AI-based smartphone app to diagnose dementia


Professor, Toyama Prefectural University
Visiting Professor, iCeMS, Kyoto University
Development of Injectable Photodynamic Therapy Targeting Subretinal Neovascularization
Katsumasa FUJITA

Katsumasa FUJITA

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Non-Destructive Observation of Frozen Cells: A Key Technology for Advancing the Cell Industry


Associate Professor, Department of Micro Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Creation of a global startup for solving thermal issues with high-performance thermal management products
No.1 Kanta ONOKanta ONOProfessor, Department of Applied Physics, Osaka University. (Ph.D. (Science)) Pitch Title:
World-leading manufacturing using AI and robot-driven autonomous experiment systems
No.2 Takuya OSHIMA Takuya OSHIMAVisiting Researcher, Department of Global and Innovative Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka UniversityPitch Title:
AI-based smartphone app to diagnose dementia
No.3 Tatsuya MURAKAMI Tatsuya MURAKAMIProfessor, Toyama Prefectural University
Visiting Professor, iCeMS, Kyoto University
Pitch Title:
Development of Injectable Photodynamic Therapy Targeting Subretinal Neovascularization
No.4 Katsumasa FUJITA Katsumasa FUJITAProfessor, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University Pitch Title:
Non-Destructive Observation of Frozen Cells: A Key Technology for Advancing the Cell Industry
No.5 Jun HIROTANIJun HIROTANIAssociate Professor, Department of Micro Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University Pitch Title:
Creation of a global startup for solving thermal issues with high-performance thermal management products
  • 3. Pitches From Participants in the Founders Launchpad Program

    As part of the KSAC collaborative initiative, Kyoto University has partnered with Inovexus, a Europe-based accelerator, to run the “Founders Launchpad Program”. This program is designed for individuals aiming to develop global startups utilizing university-based innovations. As the final step in the program, participants will present their pitches.

Name Position Pitch Title


Entrepreneur in Residence, Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd. Overcoming Challenges in the Bio-Industry with Innovative Sensing Technology
Luc Zhang 氏


Spongy Monolith Technology: Transformative Separation Innovation Driving Drug Development
No.1 Ryo MATSUMOTORyo MATSUMOTOEntrepreneur in Residence, Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd. Pitch Title:
Overcoming Challenges in the Bio-Industry with Innovative Sensing Technology
No.2 Luc Zhang 氏 Luc ZHANGPitch Title:
Spongy Monolith Technology: Transformative Separation Innovation Driving Drug Development
Participating Universities

For inquiries or interview requests regarding this event, please contact:

Event organizer
Kansai Startup Academia Coalition (KSAC) Secretariat
Point of contact
Phone: +81-6-6359-3004
*Please include “KSAC DEMO DAY「NEXT PIONEER 2025」” in the subject field of your email to ensure a timely response.